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Grants you tremendous power. Horrible operating system.

Wandoos is a feature that is unlocked by using A busted copy of Wandoos 98, which can be dropped by bosses in The Sky or the first two Titans.

It is a crappy operating system designed by macaroonsoft that can be used to multiply Attack and Defense by dumping energy and magic into it. At first, it is not very useful to the player because of the lack of high energy and magic caps and giving lackluster bonuses, but as you progress further into the game it becomes integral to progression.


At the beginning of each rebirth, there is a 1-hour boot-up process for Wandoos to reach its maximum speed. It is not necessary to be online for the booting process. The speed increase is linear, and ranges from 0-100% speed. The boot-up process can be sped up by 10% by maxing the Wandoos XL set and by 10% for each 100-level challenge on Evil completed. The minimum boot-up time is 27 minutes (60 minutes × 90% for the Wandoos XL set × 50% for five 100-level Evil challenges).

After booting-up, it gains a 10% speed boost by maxing the Wandoos set.

Wandoos remains unlocked throughout rebirths but the booting up process will be reset at each rebirth.

Leveling up the OS[]

  • Total Wandoos Levels are broken into four categories, each of which can reach a maximum of level 100 for a total of level 400.
  • The total Wandoos Levels (determined by addition of levels of these four subcategories) count regardless of which OS is currently being used.
  • The OS level multiplies the base speed for both Energy and Magic Dumps, starting at +4% level 0, +8 at level 1, up to a maximum level of 400, giving +1604% speed.
    66 - A busted copy of Wandoos 98
    • The 4% multiplier is misleading as it is already calculated into the base speed and goes up by that much each level. It equates to starting at 100% at level 0, 200% at level 1 (halving the time for each bar to fill instead of being a marginal increase), up to it being 401x faster than level 0.
  • Leveling up the Wandoos 98 and XL OS Levels requires to consume (CTRL+click) A busted copy of Wandoos 98 or A busted copy of Wandoos XL of a higher level than your current OS level. (Ex: If your OS level is 8, you will need to consume a busted copy level 9+)
    • If the item is several levels higher than your current OS level, the surplus levels will be left. For example if your OS level is 10, you consume a copy at level 15, the copy will remain with 5 levels and your OS will be level 11.
    • Max level is 100, requiring a total of 5151 levels.
  • The player may increase the Money Pit Levels by getting random Wandoos level drops from the money pit. See the Money Pit page for more information.
  • The player may increase the I.T.O.P.O.D Levels by buying the Wandoos Lover Perk. See the Perk Points page for more information.

Using Wandoos[]

  • Energy and Magic Dump level bonuses are calculated separately before being multiplied together.
  • Wandoos Energy and Magic levels are lost when:
    1. Rebirthing
    2. Switching between the different Wandoos OSes (98, MEH and XL)
    3. Playing the Troll Challenge. The Wandoos Troll will reset Dump levels (Small Troll) or disable Wandoos completely until rebirthing (Big Troll).

Operating Systems[]

There are three different Wandoos Operating Systems (OS).

In normal difficulty, each OS has 1000 times the Energy/Magic requirement of the previous OS.

In evil and SADISTIC difficulty, each OS has 1 million (1e6) times the Energy/Magic requirement of the previous OS.

Evil Wandoos 98 has 1 trillion (1e12) times the Energy/Magic requirement of normal Wandoos 98; SADISTIC Wandoos 98 has 1 trillion (1e12) times the Energy/Magic requirement of evil Wandoos 98

  1. Wandoos 98
    • Drops:
    • Base Energy / Magic requirement for speed-cap of 50 levels per second:
      • Normal: 1 billion (1e9)
      • Evil: 1 sextillion (1e21)
      • SADISTIC: 1 decillion (1e33)
    • Total Stat Bonus Formula:
  2. Wandoos MEH
    • Unlocks:
    • Base Energy / Magic requirement for speed-cap of 50 levels per second:
      • Normal: 1 trillion (1e12)
      • Evil: 1 octillion (1e27)
      • SADISTIC: 1 duodecillion (1e39)
    • Total Stat Bonus Formula:
  3. Wandoos XL
    • Drops:
    • Base Energy / Magic requirement for speed-cap of 50 levels per second:
      • Normal: 1 quadrillion (1e15)
      • Evil: 1 decillion (1e33)
      • SADISTIC: 1 quattuordecillion (1e45)
    • Total Stat Bonus Formula:


Wandoos can be increased by multiplicative bonuses from:


Name Effect Price (QP) Levels Difficulty
Energy Wandoos BEAST-a +2% to Energy Wandoos Speed 32 50 Evil
Magic Wandoos BEAST-a +2% to Magic Wandoos Speed 37 50 Evil


Item Effect
Build Wandoos Speed Gain Wandoos Speed.

Other features[]


  • There are multiple references to different versions of Windows OS over the years. Wandoos 98 is Windows 98; Wandoos MEH is Windows Me; Wandoos XL is Windows XP; and Wandoos BEAST-a is Windows Vista.